Salt & Pepper
You have found it, the perfect blend of Salt & Pepper
Our perfect blend of S&P goes together like; Peanut butter & Jelly, Donnie and Marie, Elvis & Vegas, biscuits & gravy, pork & beans, Tom & Jerry, cake & ice cream, and bacon and eggs.
Made with Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper.
Our Products are MSG Free and Gluten Free. We use NO Additives, Fillers, Preservatives, Flavorings or Coloring, just Clean Bold Seasonings.
Payment Methods
Payment for your order will be processed through Paypal.
PayPal accepts all Credit Cards and Debit Cards.
Shipping Info
Standard Shipping rate is $8.75 for all orders up to $40. Free Shipping on orders over $40. We Ship to all states, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1g
Calories | Sat Fat g | Trans Fat g | Cholesterol mg | Sodium mg | Total Carbs g | Fiber g | Sugars g | Added Sugar g | Protein g